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Erotic…on holiday

We’ve been a little quiet on the blogging front recently, because we’ve spent most of the last month running around central and north London scouting fab venues for our Saturday night social. We think we’ve found the perfect place – huge thank you to everyone who gave us tips on accessible London venues, and helped us narrow down our search! We’ll have more info on it when we’ve secured the venue!

We’ve also announced our first incredible Eroticon speakers! Come and meet them all, over on our speaker page, and say hi to them on Twitter! You can follow all of them at once using our handy Twitter list.

On holiday

We’re going to be taking a bit of a break in July, so expect a little bit of a delay if you’re getting in touch with us. Rest assured though that if you’ve put in a session proposal we will be going through the next batch when we get back to work at the end of August. Please bear with us in the meantime – even sex blogging wizards need a break every now and then!

Meanwhile, entertain yourselves by going to meet our fabulous speakers, following our 2018 sponsors, and getting stuck in to the chat over on the Eroticon forum!

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