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Eroticon 2019 ticket pool applications – Open until February 17th

Eroticon Ticket Pool Image

Two years ago we started the Eroticon ticket pool – a way to give away a number of free day tickets to help bring people to the conference who otherwise wouldn’t be able to join us. The ticket pool is funded partly by the sale of business tickets and sponsorship, and partly by donations from our wonderful delegate sponsors.

This year we have 7 free day tickets to give away.  If you would like to apply for a pool ticket, please fill out the form below before 17th February.

What do I get as a ticket pool recipient?

Who should apply:

It’s not:

Many thanks to the generous delegate sponsors who have chipped in and the one anonymous donation of a full ticket price – this year the ticket pool contributions mean we can offer 7 Eroticon single day tickets.

Fill in the form below to apply, not forgetting to let us know which day you would prefer to come along to (Saturday or Sunday). We would especially welcome applications from people who have never attended Eroticon before!

Applications close midday on the 17th February 2018 (UK time) On the 17th of February we will allocate the pool tickets by lottery, and email all applicants to let them know if they have been successful.


Yes, we do have a required space on the form for a website. This doesn’t mean you have to have a blog, but you should at least have a social media presence, so put in your twitter or facebook or mastodon link.

This form is closed for 2019

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