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Eroticon 2019 – Virtual Meet and Greet []


NAME (and Twitter if you have one) team! Katie, Gregor, Diego, Mark and Miguel. Follow us on Twitter/Instagram @fetishdotcom, and Facebook too @fetishcom!

Tell us 3 things you are most looking forward to at Eroticon 2019

We are creating a playlist of songs for the Friday Night Meet and Greet. Nominate one song that you would like us to add to the play list and tell us why you picked that song.

The winning song from last year’s Kinky Playlist; Alice Cooper – Poison! We asked our members what songs turned them on and got some pretty awesome results back. Then we compiled all of the suggestions in a 5 hour long playlist! That should cover the most part of your average kinky session, right?

What is your favorite item or book you’ve purchased so far this year?

The office whip – to make sure the whole team stays on their kinky toes!

You can have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life, what is it? Sushi? Scotch Tape?

LUBE! Just kidding (kinda). An unlimited supply of plane tickets to travel all over the world spreading the kink at events like Eroticon!

What is your favourite quote from a movie?

One of our favourite quotes has probably got to be from Nymphomaniac by Lars von Trier. Applied to the context of exploring kinks without judgement, it becomes quite a beautiful metaphor.

Perhaps the only difference between me and other people is that I’ve always demanded more from the sunset. More spectacular colors when the sun hit the horizon. That’s perhaps my only sin.”

What is your word suggestion to next years Eroticon anthology?

Consent. Because BDSM is all about consent, and let’s face it, everybody should be talking about it a lot more.

Complete the sentence:

I feel…

Most aroused when I empower others. Whether it’s handing over control to a Dominant other or, more specifically, showing sex bloggers how to make the most out of their original content.

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