It is just over two weeks until Eroticon 2017. It seems like only a few weeks ago when the three of us started on this huge project and now here we are in the final count down to the weekend. None of us really had any idea just how much work it would entail to get us here but we hope that when you all come along we will have put together something pretty special for you all to enjoy.
However before we kick off the weekend with the Friday night Meet and Greet it has become an Eroticon tradition to have an online Meet and Greet. If you are one of the many people who have been to Eroticon before you all know how this works but if not, answer the questions below on your own site/blog introducing yourself to everyone and then link your post on this page (in the linky tool at the bottom) so we can all find you. Please can you also make sure your post links to this page as well.
So, I will start…
NAME (and Twitter if you have one)
Molly Moore but you can call me Molly @mollysdailykiss
What are you hoping to get out of Eroticon 2017?
Clearly my answer to a question like this has changed drastically this year. My hope for Eroticon this year is that all our hours of hard work pay off and you lot get the awesome conference you deserve. For me personally if that happens it will go a long way to silencing some of those doubts I have in my head about my ability and eligibility to work on such a project and I think make me excited to start work on 2018.
For me personally though as Molly, not as Director of Ops, what I hope to get out of Eroticon 2017 is what I always hope for and that is to get to network with amazing people in my community both professionally and socially.
This years schedule at Eroticon is pretty full on but which 4 sessions do you already have marked down as ones you want to attend?
If time allows the 4 that I currently have my eye on as ones I really want to attend are;
Malin James – Keep it tight, Sex in Flash Fiction because firstly she has this fucking nailed in my opinion when it comes to writing great sexy flash fiction and secondly because my fiction writing has suffered with lack of time over the last year and this might help me to re-find my mojo.
I really want to hear Kate Lister talk too, ideally both of her sessions but if not the one Sunday is definitely calling to me.
I also want to go to Jetset Jasmine and King Noire’s session on Adult Industry for People of Colour. Oh and I am totally going to get my heels on for the Steel and Stiletto session.
And finally if I miss Mister Gryphon’s Branding session again this year I might have a little tantrum.
Tell us one thing about yourself that not many people know?
If I had been a boy my Dad was determined to name me Athelstan
If you made the papers, what would the headline be?
Naked woman spotted in woodlands carrying a camera and a teddy bear.
If you could have one skill for free (I.e. without practice/time/effort) what would it be?
Yes I totally nicked this question from Girl on the Net’s twitter. Hopefully she will forgive me for my thievery
If I was picking something sensible it would have to be to speak a second language fluently, like it was my native tongue and it would be either French or Spanish but actually what I would like would be to have @domsigns ability to fall asleep almost instantly and be able to sleep anywhere Imagine the joy in being able to lay your head down on a pillow and be soundly and peacefully asleep in under a minute. It is a surprisingly useful skill that he taught himself but one that completely alludes me.
Complete the sentence: I love it when…
People buy a ticket to Eroticon!
Now it is your turn. Grab the questions, put them into a blog post, add your answers and link your post below, then go and visit the other people who have joined in and say hi!
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Pingback: I’m Off to Eroticon 2017 – Eve's Temptations
Pingback: Eroticon 2017 - My Virtual Meet & Greet - Aurora Glory
Pingback: Eroticon Meet & Greet | exposing40
Pingback: Eroticon 2017 Virtual Meet and Greet | cleareyedgirl
Pingback: Maria's Virtual Intro - Eroticon 2017 - Maria Opens Up
Pingback: Frame, Reframe, Celebrate | exposing40
Pingback: Eroticon virtual meet and greet - Kink Craft
Pingback: Sandra’s Eroticon ‘Meet & Greet’ – Sandra Lindsey
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Pingback: Eroticon 2017 Meet and Greet: Hot Octopuss - Hot Octopuss