Just one month to go and it will be time for Eroticon 2023 which means it is time for a little meet and greet action online before we get to do it all in person at the Friday night Meet and Greet.
If you are one of the many people who have been to Eroticon before you all know how this works but if not, answer the questions below on your own site/blog introducing yourself to everyone and then link your post on this page (in the linky tool at the bottom) so we can all find you. Please can you also make sure your post links to this page as well. If you need a space to post your meet and greet because you don’t have a blog please email your post to webmaster@eroticon.co and we will post it here for you.
NAME (and Twitter/IG/Mastodon etc)
Molly Moore but you can call me Molly. I am @mollysdailykiss on Twitter and also on IG and Masto
Tell us 3 things you are most looking forward to at Eroticon 2023
- It finally happening.
- Friday night meet and greet. It is one of my favourite parts of the weekend. Seeing everyone coming together, old friends and new, and how excited everyone is for the conference. It always makes me happy.
- The end. That might sound terrible but putting together Eroticon is a lot of hard work and can be very stressful and when it is all done and everything went well that is a huge relief for me. Sunday night is my favourite time as I get to finally relax.
Sadly with a change of venue this year for the Friday night meet and greet we won’t be compiling a play list but I know that everyone enjoys that bit so…. What is a song that always has you turning the volume up?
There are a few that no matter what will have me reaching for the volume button but one of my favourites at the moment is Man on Fire by Earl St. Clair
What’s the first career you dreamed of having as a kid?
I wanted to run a bookshop and whilst I waited for customers to pick their books I was going to sit at the counter and write books. To be honest I still dream of this now and if a big pile of money ever fell into my lap then I would definitely make this happen.
What does your joy look like today?
The dog zooming round at the park chasing his little mini tennis ball and tumbling over in the long grass. Michael making strawberry pie and it being Friday!
What is your favourite musical?
I don’t know why I have picked this because I am a big fan of a great show tune and picking one musical to rule them all is just impossible so I am picking one that I have loved since I was a little girl and it’s one my favourite that I own on vinyl and that would be the perfection that is The Sound of Music.
If you were the captain of a pirate ship, what would be the name of your ship?
The Dirty Hot
As soon as you have finished writing answering these questions what are you going to do?
Go and eat my dinner and then snuggle up on the sofa with my darling husband and read my book.
Complete the sentence:
I need..
all the kisses