Eroticon 2019 Virtual Meet and Greet-Ros Ballinger

Hello pals! Ros B here with my meet and greet post for you, as I’m blogless!

NAME (and Twitter if you have one)

Ros Ballinger – @hurricane_ros

Tell us 3 things you are most looking forward to at Eroticon 2019

1. I’m excited to see my many precious kinky friends that I rarely get to see IRL and catch up/make them laugh/have big hugs.

2. The talks! I’m excited to see Franki Cookney speak about delivering sex writing to a mainstream audience (which is something I have a vested interest in as a comedian who does sex+ shows), Amy Norton on blog marketing/monetising, Girl on the Net on pitching and Myles Jackman, Sex Lawyer superhero.

I love that the talks at Eroticon teach me more about what I have interest in, and about some things that I never knew. Either way I come out with my head buzzing.

3. Hopefully, the chance to read some of my work out on the Sunday; it’ll be an interesting challenge to see how I manage to read actual sex writing in front of an audience, rather than just doing silly comedy material, which is my normal way of operating.

We are creating a play list of songs for the Friday Night Meet and Greet. Nominate one song that you would like us to add to the play list and tell us why you picked that song.

thank u, next by Ariana Grande. Through initially inauspicious circumstances, I’ve got into her and her music over the last couple of years and that one is an absolute BANGER. If I have to have it in my head all the time, so do you.

What is your favorite item or book you’ve purchased so far this year?

My favourite fancy caff in Manchester does a roast chicken, rocket and paprika mayo sandwich on thick crusty bread, a big brick of a thing; I bought it on a whim and it was so delectable that I have it every time I go back in.

You can have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life, what is it? Sushi? Scotch Tape?

Mobile data. I’m 27 years old and still can’t stay under my limit. Ever.

What is your favourite quote from a movie?

“Pe-can piiieeeee…” (When Harry Met Sally)

What is your word suggestion to next years Eroticon anthology?


Complete the sentence:

I feel…

excited for March – it’s Eroticon, it’s my birthday month, and Spring is coming!

Comment List

  • Victoria Blisse 04 / 03 / 2019 Reply

    So looking forward to seeing you! <3

  • Petra Pan 08 / 03 / 2019 Reply

    Ooh it’s my birthday month too! Love the spring. Looking forward to meeting you!

    PP x

  • Molly 11 / 03 / 2019 Reply

    I love that your best buy so far this year is food. Girl after my own heart


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