Building your team: how to grow on Patreon

Building your team: how to grow on Patreon

Girl on the NetConference Room 2

Patreon can seem a bit daunting: asking people for money? Directly? How gauche! But if your website has an audience, even a small one, some of those lovely people are probably willing to chip in to help you continue to splatter awesome smut onto the internet. This session will start by covering a few Patreon basics such as how to get set up, what to charge and a brief overview of Patreon's adult content guidelines. The bulk of the talk will focus on building your audience. - promoting your Patreon on existing channels - reward tiers and what you could offer - bonuses, discounts and extras - managing your community to keep the space fun and productive Because this is GOTN, this will all be accompanied by a side-order of delicious stats and graphs to show you what's worked and what hasn't.

Sat 11:15 pm - 12:00 am